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Give Us A Chance (please)

Hi There Nice People's Mighty Mouse here!!

TinkerBelle and I are wondering if you know about us? You must have seen us. We are getting a bit sad here because NO ONE has shown any interest in us. Am I not handsome enough? Is Tink not pretty enough? I know it's asking a LOT to be adopted together, but to take her away from me would rip my heart to shreds.

You see we lived out in the middle of nowhere with an elderly man who was in a wheelchair and was kinda known as a hoarder. We didn't really get any attention, he just threw dry kibble out once in a while and there was also a lot of other dogs there. All Tink and I had was a cardboard box to live in, dirt....and each other. It was so COLD in the winter and so HOT in summer but we kept each others spirits up hoping for a MIRACLE.

That miracle came when a rescue volunteer found out that Animal Control was gonna take us all to a pound that was as bad as where we were. She networked the right people and MANY people teamed together to get us (and the others) to safety and into the loving arms of this rescue circle!

If you are looking to adopt a small doggie, think about US! We will bring DOUBLE THE LOVE - I promise you that! We have waited almost a year now-hopefully a kind person will read this and open their heart and home to us both. Together. We cannot bear to be apart and do you blame us?

We are both around 3 years old now, great with other dogs, all humans, kids and we will make you laugh...PROMISE!

Please fill out an application.

Also... PLEASE PLEASE SHARE our story, TAG your friends, TWEET about us and put us on INSTAGRAM ok?

Thank you and much LOVE ~ Mighty and Tink


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