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Oliver Is Getting His Christmas Miracle!

We are SO HAPPY to announce that we saved Oliver, we found a foster and he is getting all of the help he needs!

This time every year we make an effort to save a special needs rescue. This sweet boy was brought into the shelter in pretty bad shape. He was likely hit by a car and was having a hard time walking. They did what they could to make him comfortable. As soon as we learned about him we knew we HAD to save him. We would give him the Christmas miracle he so deserves.

He has seen the best doctors and they have determined that surgery is not the best option for him because it would require re-breaking bones. Oliver will be receiving laser treatments to help him heal. Please watch his video for more info.

We want to send a BIG THANK YOU to the AMAZING doctors at VCA West Los Angeles Animal Hospital for caring for sweet Oliver and helping him start his new life.

We would like to THANK MaoMau LaBeet with Love A Pitbull for all of his help and for fostering Oliver.

And a final BIG THANK YOU to all of our supporters who have made donations to help cover Oliver's medical bills.

We are still accepting donations (no amount too small) to help us cover the very expensive medical treatments.

Rescuing really does take a village.

We might be the ones on the front line rescuing, rehabilitating and re-homing these sweet pups BUT WE WOULDN'T BE HERE WITHOUT YOU. Our supporters, our partners, our volunteers, our fosters... you guys are all right there with us making a difference to thousands of dogs who would otherwise be forgotten like sweet Oliver.

We appreciate everyone and their contribution to our cause.

Thank you for helping us SAVE OLIVER and giving him a Christmas miracle.

Interested in adopting Oliver? Please complete an application!


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